Talent Management Truths

Virtual Learning Best Practices with Cindy Huggett

March 27, 2024 Lisa Mitchell Cindy Huggett Episode 122
Virtual Learning Best Practices with Cindy Huggett
Talent Management Truths
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Talent Management Truths
Virtual Learning Best Practices with Cindy Huggett
Mar 27, 2024 Episode 122
Lisa Mitchell Cindy Huggett

“What do they need a facilitator for vs. something they can learn on their own?”
-Cindy Huggett

Virtual online training has been around for decades now. And yet many organizations firmly resisted it beyond those annual mandatory trainings.   Covid pushed many outside their comfort zone to finally start to leverage technology and yet the quality of virtual offerings varies widely!  Today’s guest provides practical tips and questions you can ask to assess the state of your own virtual learning programs, given they are here to stay.

My guest is Cindy Huggett. As a leading workplace learning expert and 20+ year pioneer of virtual training, she, has vast experience delivering engaging learning solutions via the virtual classroom. She’s the author of five acclaimed books on the subject, including The Facilitator’s Guide to Immersive, Blended and Hybrid Learning and Designing Virtual Learning for Application and Impact: 50 Techniques to Ensure Results.

Cindy partners with organizations to create engaging virtual training solutions. She upskills trainers and designers, maximizes online learning design, and facilitates actionable virtual training and hybrid learning. A sought-after speaker, Cindy has taught thousands of people how to leverage live online training through her cutting-edge workshops and presentations on topics related to leadership, learning, and technology.

Based in Raleigh, NC, Cindy serves clients globally. To learn more, visit www.cindyhuggett.com.

In this episode of Talent Management Truths, you’ll discover:

  • Creative ideas to make your virtual training more effective and engaging
  • Tips on how to combat video fatigue 
  • 5 questions every organization should be asking about virtual training


  • Cindy Huggett on Linkedin:

Are you a Talent leader who is longing for a safe place to bounce ideas off of? In addition to my group programs I work privately with a select few clients as their Talent Management Thought Partner. I will help you, over the next 90 days, create the space, the intention and the strategy to implement an initiative that is CRITICAL to your team. Let’s chat and see if there’s a fit. Book me online at greenappleconsulting.ca/contact 

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Lisa hosts regular FREE Talent Talks for HR and Talent Management Leaders to expand your network, spark ideas and learn with your peers. We leverage large group discussion and small group breakouts: https://www.greenappleconsulting.ca/TalentTalks

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Show Notes

“What do they need a facilitator for vs. something they can learn on their own?”
-Cindy Huggett

Virtual online training has been around for decades now. And yet many organizations firmly resisted it beyond those annual mandatory trainings.   Covid pushed many outside their comfort zone to finally start to leverage technology and yet the quality of virtual offerings varies widely!  Today’s guest provides practical tips and questions you can ask to assess the state of your own virtual learning programs, given they are here to stay.

My guest is Cindy Huggett. As a leading workplace learning expert and 20+ year pioneer of virtual training, she, has vast experience delivering engaging learning solutions via the virtual classroom. She’s the author of five acclaimed books on the subject, including The Facilitator’s Guide to Immersive, Blended and Hybrid Learning and Designing Virtual Learning for Application and Impact: 50 Techniques to Ensure Results.

Cindy partners with organizations to create engaging virtual training solutions. She upskills trainers and designers, maximizes online learning design, and facilitates actionable virtual training and hybrid learning. A sought-after speaker, Cindy has taught thousands of people how to leverage live online training through her cutting-edge workshops and presentations on topics related to leadership, learning, and technology.

Based in Raleigh, NC, Cindy serves clients globally. To learn more, visit www.cindyhuggett.com.

In this episode of Talent Management Truths, you’ll discover:

  • Creative ideas to make your virtual training more effective and engaging
  • Tips on how to combat video fatigue 
  • 5 questions every organization should be asking about virtual training


  • Cindy Huggett on Linkedin:

Are you a Talent leader who is longing for a safe place to bounce ideas off of? In addition to my group programs I work privately with a select few clients as their Talent Management Thought Partner. I will help you, over the next 90 days, create the space, the intention and the strategy to implement an initiative that is CRITICAL to your team. Let’s chat and see if there’s a fit. Book me online at greenappleconsulting.ca/contact 

Stay Connected

JOIN our free, value-added Community of Peers and Learning!

Lisa hosts regular FREE Talent Talks for HR and Talent Management Leaders to expand your network, spark ideas and learn with your peers. We leverage large group discussion and small group breakouts: https://www.greenappleconsulting.ca/TalentTalks

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  • Launch Apple's Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Tap the Search icon (on the botton) and search for “Talent Management Truths.” Tap the album art.
  • On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.
  • Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page.

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-mitchell-acc-ctdp-7437636/

Instagram: @greenappleconsulting

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greenappleconsulting.ca

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